Memory Fortress Affiliate And Referral Program
You are in a unique position to earn revenue for your business by referring your clients to Memory Fortress. We are a leading memory scanning service that specializes in converting old photographs, slides, negatives, scrapbook, movie films, and VHS and camcorder tapes into a digital format. We help reduce clutter and bring old memories back to life for future generations to enjoy and share.
The Memory Fortress Affiliate Program pays 7% of all client revenue that you refer to us!
What You Get:
- 7% of all revenue that your clients generate for Memory Fortress.
- A quality backlink directed to your business website from a leading firm.
- With enough referrals, you get your own page on the Memory Fortress website, designating you as a Preferred Partner.
- We maintain webpages where professional organizers are listed by state and by city.
- A backlink from our site to yours will greatly improve your ability to be found by search engines.
- Memory Fortress owns other web properties; your link will be placed on those sites.
- Average order size for all Memory Fortress customers is over $350.
- Average order size for customers referred by others is over $750.
- Referral payday is every Friday, by mail.
- You get paid for all revenue that customer generates forever, not just on the first order.
Preferred Partner Status:
- You get your own dedicated page on our site where you may advertise your business.
- Partner pages must adhere to certain guidelines.
- Preferred Partner Status is earned by referring $5,000 or more of customer revenue to Memory Fortress.
How it works:
It’s simple. You already have trusted clients and friends, and many of them have photo albums, slide carousels or containers, and piles of old movie film and VHS/camcorder tapes. Because these deteriorate over time, and because most of the viewing equipment is outdated, broken, or missing, it is imperative to convert these precious memories to a digital format. The new format will be smaller, uncluttered, more useful, and far more shareable.
- Assist your clients and friends in gathering up their old memories so both of you have a general idea of what they possess. An example might be: About 2,000 loose photos, another four photo albums, three scrapbooks, five slide carousels, and 12 VHS tapes and 27 camcorder tapes.
- That information alone will help us to talk you through the process over the phone, and give you a rough estimate of what the cost to convert it will be. We will also discuss what devices your client might need (DVDs, USB flash drives, external hard drives, Dropbox delivery, or a combination of all of these).
- Once you and your friend are in agreement, box everything up and ship it to us via UPS or FedEx, and make sure you get a tracking number. Please include a fairly detailed list of inventory and how you want everything digitally organized (we are experts at this, so we will ask you anyway if you don’t include it).
- Your client/friend will pay the shipping costs on the way to us, but Memory Fortress will pay all return shipping costs to you. The process should take 5-10 business days, depending on the amount of memories shipped.
- Memory Fortress will receive the client’s payment on the day we ship everything out. As soon as the payment clears (same day for all debit and credit cards), you will be sent a check for 7% of the total order net of taxes. This check will arrive in the mail in 1-3 days, depending on where you are in the country.