Many people pick lofty New Year’s resolutions that are hard to stick to. They want to lose weight or quit smoking and they think the bright year ahead will give them a fresh start. However, many resolutions don’t last through the first month. There’s even a holiday (Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day on January 17) for giving up on your plans. 

Try something new this year. Consider taking on a family project as your New Year’s resolution. Promise that this will be the year that you take your old family memories and scan them into digital files. There is never a bad time to digitize memories and we can help you successfully complete your New Year’s resolution. Here are 6 reasons why you won’t regret doing this.

1. Digitizing Files Can Support Other Resolutions

Some people make multiple New Year’s resolutions while others only pick one. Whichever style you take on, digitizing old files can help you achieve your family New Year’s resolution goals. For example, your plan to digitize memories can also help you achieve your goals of decluttering your home and having a cleaner house. You can free up shelf space that increases your storage while also having fewer boxes of albums, videotapes, and film negatives to hold onto. 

Committing to scanning your memories can also prepare you for spring cleaning in a few months. You can take a few steps this January toward living a decluttered lifestyle.

2. You Never Know When You Could Lose Your Photos and Videos

Print photos and videotapes are extremely delicate. Exposure to sunlight, humidity, moisture, and even dust can harm your memories. While they have lasted this long, there is no guarantee that they will remain in good condition this year. 

Accidents happen. This is why you hope for the best and prepare for the worst. By turning your old memories into digital files and storing them in the cloud, you will always be able to access your photos and videos, even if the originals are destroyed. Whether you are worried about a flood, hurricane, or house fire, you need to protect your memories. Taking on this project can give you peace of mind during even the worst storms.

3. Digital Media Keeps Family Memories Alive

Your family memories aren’t just photos and videos – they are the stories behind the media. The picture of your grandparents at the beach comes with stories about honeymoon getaways or leave time in the army. A video of your wedding day comes with stories about uncles who can’t dance and caterers who dropped the cake. 

The best reason to digitize family memories as part of your New Year’s resolution is to keep these stories alive. You can relive the past with relatives who are featured in the photos or you can share your own experiences with your kids and grandkids. You might even decide to write down some of these stories so the memories live on alongside the images.

4. You Can Prepare Your Relatives for the Future

When you digitize memories, you make it easier to access photos and videos. If you have older relatives, they might have a harder time opening boxes and sorting through albums to find their old photos. By taking on this project, you are giving your relatives their memories back. They can swipe through digital albums each day and quickly find the memories they need. 

Digitizing photos can also help relatives who need to downsize or who plan to move to an assisted living community soon. Instead of moving with these heavy boxes, you can make sure your relative has everything they need on their laptop or tablet. 

Even if these plans are a long way off, you can help your relatives by taking on digitization projects for them. This will reduce their concerns about handling heavy boxes filled with slides and albums. We can also digitize scrapbooks so your relatives can keep their collections with them. 

5. We Take on the Bulk of the Work

The best New Year’s resolutions are the ones that family or someone else helps you to take on. While you can download a photo scanning app and digitize images one photo at a time, this makes your project tedious. If you have hundreds of photo prints, it could take months for you to complete the project. Instead, send all of your old media to us. We can handle individual photos, albums, negatives, and even slides. 

All you have to do is box up your media and tell us to digitize your memories. Our team will work to complete the project in as little as five business days. 

It’s possible to complete your New Year’s resolution within a few weeks without having to handle any part of the digitization by yourself.

6. You Keep Putting it Off

New Year’s resolutions are often tasks and projects that people have procrastinated on. If you have been looking at your old photos and recordings with the goal of digitizing them, now is the time to make it happen! Use the momentum of New Year’s resolutions to take action and get this project done. 

On average, 12% of Americans keep their New Year’s resolutions and complete their goals successfully. You have a chance to join this elite club by starting the year off right. The best part is that once this project is done, you don’t have to think about your resolution for the rest of the year.

Take the First Step to Digitize Memories Today

Committing to digitizing family memories is a great New Year’s resolution to take on. Our team at Memory Fortress will help as much as we can so the workload doesn’t all fall on your shoulders. Once you have gathered and organized all of your photos and videos, alert our team that we need to expect your shipment. This way we can allocate enough resources to take on the project. 

Learn more about the process of working with Memory Fortress and place an order today.

We digitize everything right here at our facility in metro Atlanta, processed by US citizens.


Local Atlanta walk-in customers MUST have an appointment for prompt service. This applies to both dropping off materials and picking up materials.